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Immersive Storytelling Symposium

On Friday 14th December, Liverpool John Moores University held an Immersive Storytelling Symposium to discuss the relationship between immersive technologies and good storytelling.

On Friday 14th December, Liverpool John Moores University held an Immersive Storytelling Symposium to discuss the relationship between immersive technologies and good storytelling. The event included 8 panels and we were flattered to be invited to speak at one of them, alongside other Creative XR companies Limbik Theatre and Pilot Theatre.

The event welcomed over 200 guests both from the university as well as industry professionals who were keen to listen and engage with the discussions. The discussion included narrative structure, storytelling challenges and how audience responses can influence your work as you continue production. It was really great to get to talk about the project in a public setting and to such a wide audience.

As well as our own panel, we got to see some other great talks such as AI Narrative technology with Charisma, VR in Medicine, XR in Public Performance Spaces, Marshmallow Laser Fest talking about their work including recent tech R&D, and even a Magic Leap demo in the foyer!

Overall, it was a really valuable experience, and it’s so interesting to witness how immersive technologies are currently being deployed in the U.K. The boundaries are excitedly being pushed in terms of tech and and creativity, it’s great to be contributing to this new style of storytelling as it quickly grows its’ audience.

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